Sun Protection Advice Straight from Dermatologists

Sun Protection Advice Straight from Dermatologists

Well + Good interviewed 6 Dermatologists about staying safe while in the sun, and what did they have to say? You guessed it, 6 out of 6 MD's agree that wearing a big hat is key! Here are top 5 other helpful recommendations from those who get paid to talk sun protection:

  1. Set an alarm to go off every two hours to remind you to reapply sunscreen during the day. Use one with 'broad spectrum' on the bottle. -Joshua Zeichner, MD
  2. "Wear clothing with UPF 50 or more—my favorite is Uvida—and I wear a big hat and sunglasses. Take Heliocare Proat breakfast and lunch for added protection." -Doris Day, MD
  3. "Although lotion sunscreen gives better coverage than spray, when you’re in a pinch, don’t hesitate to use a physical sunscreen spray—especially on kids who are running away from you when you’re trying to put it on.” -Kim Nichols, MD
  4. "Don’t forget the ears if you have short hair—we diagnose skin cancers on the ears often." -Robert Anolik, MD
  5. "Being a dermatologist doesn’t mean you have to never enjoy the pool, beach, or sunny vacations —but it does require some behavior modifications from my prior ‘sun-worshipping’ lifestyle (gasp!). Now, I have a wide-brimmed hat, large sunglasses, an umbrella, and copious sunscreens. I put my children in UPF shirts, hats, and suits so I don’t have to chase them down as much to get them slathered in sunscreen.” -Dendy Engelman, MD

Well Dendy, now you can match your children in our mommy and me UV-blocking sun visors!

Original article courtesy of Well + Good, Rachel LapidosJuly 5, 2018

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